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Posts tagged ‘Operating Systems’

Where is the code for Wandboard with Future 7″ PCAP LCD?

The Future PCAP adaptor + 7 inch PCAP screen already have been integrated into the Wandboard kernel sourcecode linux and android and can be built from sources into a runtime image that is fully customizable by your engineering team.Wandboard PCAP LCD

Future Electronics jointly with the Wandboard team released demo images Android based on the above mentioned sourcecode. Links to these images can be easily found in the Wandboard community forums.

For example a link to the Android demo image on the WBDUAL + FWBADAPT-7WVGA-PCAP + F07A-0102 can be found at :


md5  : d8766ff1555dc944630c7e9c229bf43f

More examples to come!


CodeWarrior Developer Studio for Power Architecture 10.3 Service Pack 1 is now available.

This is an optional add-on to the latest GA (v10.3) release leveraging the existing Debugger and Software Analysis functionalities to new device and board revisions. An existing installation of CodeWarrior Development Studio v10.3 or later is required for Service Pack 1. (more…)

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